Monthly review – July 2023
July 2023
Paris-aligned investing – Diversified, core exposure to the economy of tomorrow.
July 2023
Paris-aligned investing – Diversified, core exposure to the economy of tomorrow.
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The information contained on this website relates to products offered by Tabula Investment Management Limited (“Tabula”). Tabula is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered address: 10 Norwich Street, London EC4A 1BD. Waystone Investment Management (IE) Limited (“Waystone”) is the appointed distributor in the European Economic Area. Waystone is authorised in Ireland as an investment firm under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive and is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland under reference number C1011. Waystone does not provide investment advice on an independent basis.
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Tabula Investment Management Limited, 6. Stock, 55 Strand, London, WC2N 5LR.
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In der nachstehenden Tabelle finden Sie weitere Informationen über die einzelnen von uns verwendeten Cookies, den Zeitpunkt ihres Ablaufs und die Zwecke, für die wir sie verwenden:
pum_alm_last_activity | Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um frühere Aktivitätszustände in Lightbox-Formularen zu speichern. Das Cookie wird entfernt, sobald die Sitzung endet. |
pum_alm_popup _open_counts |
Das System setzt dieses Cookie, um Missbrauch oder Spamming von Lightbox-Formularen zu erkennen. |
popmake-terms-conditions- | Das System setzt dieses Cookie, wenn ein Benutzer den Bedingungen zustimmt. In diesem Cookie sind die Bedingungen enthalten, denen der Benutzer zugestimmt hat – entweder persönlicher Investor oder professioneller Investor. Wenn dieses Cookie nicht vorhanden ist, wird der Benutzer aufgefordert, die Bedingungen zu akzeptieren. |
pum_alm_first_activity | Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um frühere Aktivitätszustände innerhalb von Leuchttischformularen zu speichern. Das Cookie wird nach Beendigung der Sitzung entfernt. |
wordpress_test_cookie | WordPress setzt dieses Cookie, wenn ein Benutzer zur Anmeldeseite navigiert. Das Cookie wird verwendet, um zu prüfen, ob der Webbrowser des Benutzers Cookies zulässt oder ablehnt. Dies ist ein Sitzungscookie. |
wordpress_ | Dieses Cookie wird von WordPress für nicht eingeloggte Benutzer gesetzt. Dies ist ein Sitzungscookie. |
wordpress_logged_in_ | Dieses Cookie wird von WordPress gesetzt. Er dient der Anzeige und Identifizierung des angemeldeten Benutzers. Dies ist ein Sitzungscookie. |
wfwaf-authcookie- | Dieses Cookie wird von WordPress-Sicherheit gesetzt. Es wird verwendet, um die Login-Anfrage des Benutzers zu authentifizieren. Dieses Cookie ist persistent und läuft nach 1 Tag ab. |
wp-settings- | WordPress setzt auch ein paar wp-settings-[UID]-Cookies. Die Zahl am Ende ist Ihre individuelle Benutzer-ID aus der Benutzerdatenbank-Tabelle. |
wp-settings-time | WordPress also sets a few wp-settings-{time}-[UID] cookies. The number on the end is your individual user ID from the users database table. This is used to customize your view of admin interface, and possibly also the main site interface. |
cookie_notice_accepted | This cookie is set by a WordPress plugin “Cookie Notice” when the user accepts the website’s Cookie policy by clicking on the button “I accept” when visiting our website for the first time. This cookie is persistent and expires in 1 day. |
_ga, _gat, __utma, __utmt, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz and __utmv | Google Analytics requires these cookie to analyse how users interact with this website. Our analytics service provider generates statistical and other information about website use by means of cookies. The information generated relating to our website is used to create anonymous reports about the use of our website. Our analytics service provider’s privacy policy is available at |
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Wir arbeiten auch mit Dritten zusammen, um die Wirksamkeit unserer Werbung und Aktionen auf Websites Dritter zu bewerten. Auch in diesem Fall enthält das Cookie keine personenbezogenen Daten in einem Format, das von anderen Personen gelesen werden kann.
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Diese Website benutzt Google Analytics, einen Webanalysedienst, der von Google Inc. („Google“) bereitgestellt wird. Google Analytics verwendet sog. „Cookies“, Textdateien, die auf Ihrem Computer gespeichert werden und die eine Analyse der Benutzung der Website durch Sie ermöglichen.
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Änderungen der Datenschutzrichtlinie und der Cookies-Erklärung
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Ausgestellt und genehmigt im Vereinigten Königreich von Tabula Investment Management Limited („Tabula“), zugelassen und reguliert von der Financial Conduct Authority („FCA“). Tabula ist eine in England und Wales eingetragene Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (eingetragene Nr. 11286661). Eingetragene Adresse: 10 Norwich Street, London EC4A 1BD. Geschäftsanschrift: 6. Stock, Denham Building, 27 St. James’s Street, London SW1A 1HA.
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Copyright © 2021 Tabula Investment Management Limited ®. All rights reserved.
Geschäftsadresse: 6. Stock, 55 Strand, London, WC2N 5LR
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1 About the promoter
The information contained on this website is communicated by Tabula Investment Management Limited (“Tabula”). Tabula is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered address: 10 Norwich Street, London EC4A 1BD. Some calls may be recorded for monitoring purposes.
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The professional investor section of the website and its content is restricted to “Professional Investors” only and is not intended for retail or private investors. By entering the institutional investor section of the website, you affirm either that you are a Per Se Professional Client, or that you wish to be treated as an Elective Professional Client, both as defined under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, or a Qualified Investor as defined under Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 or an equivalent in a jurisdiction outside the EEA. For example, in Switzerland, the equivalent term is Professional Client or Institutional Client according to the Federal Act on Financial Services, and in the UK the equivalent terms is a Professional Client as defined in the FCA’s Handbook of Rules and Guidance.
In accessing the website as a Professional Investor you will be undertaking, warranting and representing to Tabula that you are a Professional Investor. Please note that Tabula will be acting in reliance upon your undertaking, warranty and representation and you shall indemnify us and hold us harmless against all claims liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses incurred or suffered by us by reason of any breach of such undertaking, warranty and representation.
As a matter of general policy Tabula will not conduct regulated investment activities with any person as a result of their receiving information from the website, unless agreed otherwise with a professional investor.
Any non-Professional Investors should click on “Back” to return to the landing page.
5 No investment advice
This website is published solely for information purposes and does not constitute investment, legal, tax or other advice. It should not be relied upon in making an investment decision. The website is not tailored to the needs of any individual investor and does not contain any personal recommendation relating to any investment product, or any representation that an investment or strategy is suitable or appropriate for your individual circumstances. If any information on this website refers to a particular tax treatment, the tax treatment described depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in future. Prospective investors should obtain independent investment advice and inform themselves as to applicable legal requirements, exchange control regulations and taxes in their jurisdiction.
6 No warranty
Information contained on this website has been taken from sources considered by Tabula to be reliable, however, the information is unaudited. No express or implied warranty or representation is given:
(i) in relation to any aspect or characteristic of the website or any information contained on it;
(ii) as to the accuracy, completeness, availability, timeliness, merchantability or fitness for purpose of any information on the website, including but not limited to any quotations, news, opinions, commentaries, recommendations, data or pricing;
(iii) that access to any aspect of the website will be uninterrupted or free from delays, malfunctions or errors in transmission;
(iv) as to the future performance of any Tabula strategy; or
(v) as to any result or outcome that may be obtained from the use of the website.
Any of the information on this website may be changed, updated or removed without prior notice, however, Tabula is under no obligation to update the information and does not represent that it or any other person will do so.
7 No liability for loss or damage
Tabula (including any of its directors, officers or employees, third party agents and affiliates) will not be liable for any loss or damage of any kind, in whole or in part, howsoever caused, resulting from the use of, reliance upon, failure of or inability to access this website or any linked website, or resulting from the act or omission of any other party involved in making this website or the information on it available to you, whether or not the circumstances giving rise to such loss or damage were within the control of Tabula knew of the possibility of loss or damage arising.
The Terms and Conditions are not intended to exclude or restrict any duty or liability Tabula may have under the UK regulatory system.
8 Indemnity
You agree to indemnify Tabula and its affiliates against any losses, claims, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) arising from or relating to your:
(i) use of this website;
(ii) breach of any of the Terms and Conditions or any representation made by you herein; or
(iii) violation of any applicable law, statute, regulation or any third party’s rights.
This website and access to it can be terminated at any time, with or without notice, and for any reason. Termination of your access and use of the website does not relieve you of any obligations arising prior to such termination or limit any liability that you otherwise may have to Tabula.
9 Modifications and additional terms and conditions
By accepting the Terms and Conditions, you also agree to be bound by any additional or alternative terms and conditions that apply to individual pages within this website or individual documents that may be downloaded from this website, as specified on those pages or documents. Your continued use of this website shall signify your agreement with and understanding of any additional or modified terms or conditions. If you access a page or document and do not understand, or do not agree to be bound by, any additional or alternative terms and conditions specified, you must cease using that page or document immediately.
Tabula may change the Terms and Conditions at any time, without further notice to you.
10 Linked websites
This website may provide addresses or hyperlinks which lead you to other websites (“Linked Sites“). We have not reviewed nor do we endorse or recommend any products or services offered or information contained on Linked Sites, and disclaim any liability for their content or any consequences of their use. Any web addresses and hyperlinks in this website are provided solely for convenience and information. Accessing any Linked Sites shall be at your own risk.
You must not link this website to any other website in such a way as to make it possible for a user to bypass the page containing the Terms and Conditions.
11 Internet Communications
In order to maintain the security of its systems, protect its staff and detect fraud and other crimes, Tabula reserves the right to monitor all internet communications, including conversations held using the live chatbot, web and email traffic, into and out of its domains. Monitoring includes checks for, but not limited to; viruses and other malignant code, criminal activity, and use or content which is unauthorized.
Information on ‘cookies’ is available by clicking here.
12 Copyright and proprietary rights
Unless otherwise specified, this website and its content are owned by Tabula, and may contain information, text, graphics, video, software, logos, and other materials (“Content“) that are protected by copyright, trademarks, or other proprietary rights. No permission is granted to upload, copy, modify, post, frame, amend or distribute Content in any way without obtaining the prior written permission of Tabula. All intellectual property rights in any part of the world which subsist in the contents of this website and which belong Tabula save as expressly granted, hereby reserved.“
13 Trade Marks
This website contains numerous registered and unregistered trademarks belonging to Tabula. These trademarks include, but are not limited to, ‘Tabula” logo and “Tabula”. If you are in doubt as to whether an item is a trademark of Tabula, please contact us for clarification at the registered office address above.
14 Governing law and jurisdiction
Use of this website shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and any dispute arising in relation to this website is subject to the jurisdiction of the English courts.
1 About the promoter
The information contained on this website is communicated by Tabula Investment Management Limited (“Tabula”). Tabula is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered address: 10 Norwich Street, London EC4A 1BD. Some calls may be recorded for monitoring purposes.
This website provides information about various investment strategies (“Tabula Strategies”). The provision of such information may constitute a financial promotion by Tabula. The use of this website is subject to the following terms and conditions (the Terms) which you should read carefully. By using this website you agree to be legally bound by these Terms. If you do not accept these Terms, please do not use this website.
2 Distribution of information
The distribution of the information and material on this website may be restricted by law in certain countries. None of the information is directed at, or is intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction (by virtue of nationality, place of residence, domicile or registered office) where publication, distribution or use of such information would be contrary to local law or regulation, or would subject Tabula to any registration or licensing requirements in such jurisdiction. You must inform yourself about, and observe any such restrictions in your jurisdiction and by accessing this website you represent that you have done so. The information on this website is not for distribution and does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of any offer to buy any securities in the United States to or for the benefit of any United States person (being residents of the United States or partnerships or corporations organised under the laws thereof). Products related to Tabula Strategies have not been registered in the United States under the Investment Company Act of 1940 and interests therein are not registered in the United States under the Securities Act of 1933
3 No offer
The information and material on this website, including any offering document, is intended to be used for information purposes only. None of the information constitutes a public offer of securities under any applicable legislation, or an offer to sell, or a solicitation or an offer to purchase, any financial instruments, including but not limited to Tabula.
4 Website user categorisation
You have elected to enter the website as a non-professional investor. The professional investor section of the website and its content is restricted to “Professional Investors” only and is not intended for retail or private investors. Professional Investors are defined as a Per Se Professional Client, or an Elective Professional Client, both as defined under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, or a Qualified Investor as defined under Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 or an equivalent in a jurisdiction outside the EEA. For example, in Switzerland, the equivalent term is Professional Client or Institutional Client according to the Federal Act on Financial Services, and in the UK the equivalent terms is a Professional Client as defined in the FCA’s Handbook of Rules and Guidance.
As a matter of general policy Tabula will not conduct regulated investment activities with any person as a result of their receiving information from the website, unless agreed otherwise with a professional investor.
5 No investment advice
This website is published solely for information purposes and does not constitute investment, legal, tax or other advice. It should not be relied upon in making an investment decision. The website is not tailored to the needs of any individual investor and does not contain any personal recommendation relating to any investment product, or any representation that an investment or strategy is suitable or appropriate for your individual circumstances. If any information on this website refers to a particular tax treatment, the tax treatment described depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in future. Prospective investors should obtain independent investment advice and inform themselves as to applicable legal requirements, exchange control regulations and taxes in their jurisdiction.
6 No warranty
Information contained on this website has been taken from sources considered by Tabula to be reliable, however, the information is unaudited. No express or implied warranty or representation is given:
(i) in relation to any aspect or characteristic of the website or any information contained on it;
(ii) as to the accuracy, completeness, availability, timeliness, merchantability or fitness for purpose of any information on the website, including but not limited to any quotations, news, opinions, commentaries, recommendations, data or pricing;
(iii) that access to any aspect of the website will be uninterrupted or free from delays, malfunctions or errors in transmission;
(iv) as to the future performance of any Tabula strategy; or
(v) as to any result or outcome that may be obtained from the use of the website.
Any of the information on this website may be changed, updated or removed without prior notice, however, Tabula is under no obligation to update the information and does not represent that it or any other person will do so.
7 No liability for loss or damage
Tabula (including any of its directors, officers or employees, third party agents and affiliates) will not be liable for any loss or damage of any kind, in whole or in part, howsoever caused, resulting from the use of, reliance upon, failure of or inability to access this website or any linked website, or resulting from the act or omission of any other party involved in making this website or the information on it available to you, whether or not the circumstances giving rise to such loss or damage were within the control of Tabula knew of the possibility of loss or damage arising.
The Terms and Conditions are not intended to exclude or restrict any duty or liability Tabula may have under the UK regulatory system.
8 Indemnity
You agree to indemnify Tabula and its affiliates against any losses, claims, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) arising from or relating to your:
(i) use of this website;
(ii) breach of any of the Terms and Conditions or any representation made by you herein; or
(iii) violation of any applicable law, statute, regulation or any third party’s rights.
This website and access to it can be terminated at any time, with or without notice, and for any reason. Termination of your access and use of the website does not relieve you of any obligations arising prior to such termination or limit any liability that you otherwise may have to Tabula
9 Modifications and additional terms and conditions
By accepting the Terms and Conditions, you also agree to be bound by any additional or alternative terms and conditions that apply to individual pages within this website or individual documents that may be downloaded from this website, as specified on those pages or documents. Your continued use of this website shall signify your agreement with and understanding of any additional or modified terms or conditions. If you access a page or document and do not understand, or do not agree to be bound by, any additional or alternative terms and conditions specified, you must cease using that page or document immediately.
Tabula may change the Terms and Conditions at any time, without further notice to you.
10 Linked websites
This website may provide addresses or hyperlinks which lead you to other websites (“Linked Sites“). We have not reviewed nor do we endorse or recommend any products or services offered or information contained on Linked Sites, and disclaim any liability for their content or any consequences of their use. Any web addresses and hyperlinks in this website are provided solely for convenience and information. Accessing any Linked Sites shall be at your own risk.
You must not link this website to any other website in such a way as to make it possible for a user to bypass the page containing the Terms and Conditions.
11 Internet Communications
In order to maintain the security of its systems, protect its staff and detect fraud and other crimes, Tabula reserves the right to monitor all internet communications, including conversations held using the live chatbot, web and email traffic, into and out of its domains. Monitoring includes checks for, but not limited to; viruses and other malignant code, criminal activity, and use or content which is unauthorized.
Information on ‘cookies’ is available by clicking here.
12 Copyright and proprietary rights
Unless otherwise specified, this website and its content are owned by Tabula, and may contain information, text, graphics, video, software, logos, and other materials (“Content“) that are protected by copyright, trademarks, or other proprietary rights. No permission is granted to upload, copy, modify, post, frame, amend or distribute Content in any way without obtaining the prior written permission of Tabula. All intellectual property rights in any part of the world which subsist in the contents of this website and which belong Tabula save as expressly granted, hereby reserved.
13 Trade Marks
This website contains numerous registered and unregistered trademarks belonging to Tabula. These trademarks include, but are not limited to, ‘Tabula” logo and “Tabula”. If you are in doubt as to whether an item is a trademark of Tabula, please contact us for clarification at the registered office address above.
14 Governing law and jurisdiction
Use of this website shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and any dispute arising in relation to this website is subject to the jurisdiction of the English courts.
1 About the promoter
The information contained on this website relates to products offered by Tabula Investment Management Limited (“Tabula”). Tabula is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered address: 10 Norwich Street, London EC4A 1BD. Waystone Investment Management (IE) Limited (“Waystone”) is the appointed distributor in the European Economic Area. Waystone is authorised in Ireland as an investment firm under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive and is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland under reference number C1011. Waystone does not provide investment advice on an independent basis.
This website provides information about various investment strategies (“Tabula Strategies”). The provision of such information may constitute a financial promotion by Tabula. The use of this website is subject to the following terms and conditions (the Terms) which you should read carefully. By using this website you agree to be legally bound by these Terms. If you do not accept these Terms, please do not use this website.
2 Distribution of information
The distribution of the information and material on this website may be restricted by law in certain countries. None of the information is directed at, or is intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction (by virtue of nationality, place of residence, domicile or registered office) where publication, distribution or use of such information would be contrary to local law or regulation, or would subject Waystone to any registration or licensing requirements in such jurisdiction. You must inform yourself about, and observe any such restrictions in your jurisdiction and by accessing this website you represent that you have done so. The information on this website is not for distribution and does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of any offer to buy any securities in the United States to or for the benefit of any United States person (being residents of the United States or partnerships or corporations organised under the laws thereof). Products related to Tabula Strategies have not been registered in the United States under the Investment Company Act of 1940 and interests therein are not registered in the United States under the Securities Act of 1933.
3 No offer
The information and material on this website, including any offering document, is intended to be used for information purposes only. None of the information constitutes a public offer of securities under any applicable legislation, or an offer to sell, or a solicitation or an offer to purchase, any financial instruments, including but not limited to Tabula.
4 Website user categorisation
You have elected to enter the website as a non-professional investor. The professional investor section of the website and its content is restricted to “Professional Investors” only and is not intended for retail or private investors. Professional Investors are defined as a Per Se Professional Client, or an Elective Professional Client, both as defined under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, or a Qualified Investor as defined under Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 or an equivalent in a jurisdiction outside the EEA. For example, in Switzerland, the equivalent term is Professional Client or Institutional Client according to the Federal Act on Financial Services, and in the UK the equivalent terms is a Professional Client as defined in the FCA’s Handbook of Rules and Guidance.As a matter of general policy Tabula will not conduct regulated investment activities with any person as a result of their receiving information from the website, unless agreed otherwise with a professional investor.
5 No investment advice
This website is published solely for information purposes and does not constitute investment, legal, tax or other advice. It should not be relied upon in making an investment decision. The website is not tailored to the needs of any individual investor and does not contain any personal recommendation relating to any investment product, or any representation that an investment or strategy is suitable or appropriate for your individual circumstances. If any information on this website refers to a particular tax treatment, the tax treatment described depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in future. Prospective investors should obtain independent investment advice and inform themselves as to applicable legal requirements, exchange control regulations and taxes in their jurisdiction.
6 No warranty
Information contained on this website has been taken from sources considered by Tabula to be reliable, however, the information is unaudited. No express or implied warranty or representation is given:
(i) in relation to any aspect or characteristic of the website or any information contained on it;
(ii) as to the accuracy, completeness, availability, timeliness, merchantability or fitness for purpose of any information on the website, including but not limited to any quotations, news, opinions, commentaries, recommendations, data or pricing;
(iii) that access to any aspect of the website will be uninterrupted or free from delays, malfunctions or errors in transmission;
(iv) as to the future performance of any Tabula strategy; or
(v) as to any result or outcome that may be obtained from the use of the website.
Any of the information on this website may be changed, updated or removed without prior notice, however, Tabula is under no obligation to update the information and does not represent that it or any other person will do so.“
7 No liability for loss or damage
Tabula (including any of its directors, officers or employees, third party agents and affiliates) will not be liable for any loss or damage of any kind, in whole or in part, howsoever caused, resulting from the use of, reliance upon, failure of or inability to access this website or any linked website, or resulting from the act or omission of any other party involved in making this website or the information on it available to you, whether or not the circumstances giving rise to such loss or damage were within the control of Tabula knew of the possibility of loss or damage arising.
The Terms and Conditions are not intended to exclude or restrict any duty or liability Tabula may have under the UK regulatory system.“
8 Indemnity
You agree to indemnify Tabula and its affiliates against any losses, claims, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) arising from or relating to your:
(i) use of this website;
(ii) breach of any of the Terms and Conditions or any representation made by you herein; or
(iii) violation of any applicable law, statute, regulation or any third party’s rights.
This website and access to it can be terminated at any time, with or without notice, and for any reason. Termination of your access and use of the website does not relieve you of any obligations arising prior to such termination or limit any liability that you otherwise may have to Tabula
9 Modifications and additional terms and conditions
By accepting the Terms and Conditions, you also agree to be bound by any additional or alternative terms and conditions that apply to individual pages within this website or individual documents that may be downloaded from this website, as specified on those pages or documents. Your continued use of this website shall signify your agreement with and understanding of any additional or modified terms or conditions. If you access a page or document and do not understand, or do not agree to be bound by, any additional or alternative terms and conditions specified, you must cease using that page or document immediately.
Tabula may change the Terms and Conditions at any time, without further notice to you.
10 Linked websites
This website may provide addresses or hyperlinks which lead you to other websites (“Linked Sites“). We have not reviewed nor do we endorse or recommend any products or services offered or information contained on Linked Sites, and disclaim any liability for their content or any consequences of their use. Any web addresses and hyperlinks in this website are provided solely for convenience and information. Accessing any Linked Sites shall be at your own risk.
You must not link this website to any other website in such a way as to make it possible for a user to bypass the page containing the Terms and Conditions.
11 Internet Communications
In order to maintain the security of its systems, protect its staff and detect fraud and other crimes, Tabula reserves the right to monitor all internet communications, including conversations held using the live chatbot, web and email traffic, into and out of its domains. Monitoring includes checks for, but not limited to; viruses and other malignant code, criminal activity, and use or content which is unauthorized.
Information on ‘cookies’ is available by clicking here.
12 Copyright and proprietary rights
Unless otherwise specified, this website and its content are owned by Tabula Investment Management Limited („“Tabula““), and may contain information, text, graphics, video, software, logos, and other materials (“Content“) that are protected by copyright, trademarks, or other proprietary rights. No permission is granted to upload, copy, modify, post, frame, amend or distribute Content in any way without obtaining the prior written permission of Tabula. All intellectual property rights in any part of the world which subsist in the contents of this website and which belong Tabula save as expressly granted, hereby reserved.
13 Trade Marks
This website contains numerous registered and unregistered trademarks belonging to Tabula. These trademarks include, but are not limited to, ‘Tabula” logo and “Tabula”. If you are in doubt as to whether an item is a trademark of Tabula, please contact us for clarification at the registered office address above.
14 Governing law and jurisdiction
Use of this website shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and any dispute arising in relation to this website is subject to the jurisdiction of the English courts.