ETF trading and liquidity

How we can assist

Our dedicated capital markets team maintains relations with Authorised Participants, market makers and banks/brokers and will help you find the most efficient way to trade our ETFs.

Contact us for further information.

Phone +44 20 3909 4700

Tabula ETFs trade across major European regulated exchanges:

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Our products are also accessible on the over-the-counter market (OTC)

Tabula ETFs can be accessed through most execution providers in Europe and are tradable on major RFQ platforms, including:

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We work with leading market makers including BNP Paribas and GHCO on the Tabula ETF range.

Authorised Participants
Tabula’s Authorised Participants (“AP”) also bring deep ETF liquidity for the primary and secondary market both on exchange and OTC. All Tabula APs are recognised and well established trading counterparties and market makers with expertise in Fixed Income ETFs:

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Contact details for our liquidity providers

Tabula ETFs liquidity providers

(A.P. = Authorised Participant; E.P. = Execution Provider)

Company Contact Phone A.P. E.P.
Aurel-BGC Nicolas Maréchal +33 1 5389 4791
Baader Bank AG Kislay Thakur +49 69 1388 1332
Banca Sella Rolle Matteo
Foresti Luca
Bank of America Merrill Lynch Arta Cika +44 20 7995 3060
BNP Paribas Clément Paccalet +44 20 7595 1414
Cantor Fitzgerald Jonathan Chemla +972 3777 2500
Citigroup Global Markets Christopher Gooch +44 20 7986 1866
Crossflow Financial Advisors GmbH Markus Deffner +49 894 4232 7442
Danske Bank Mikko Miettinen +358 1 0236 4831
DRW Axel Mohr
Bernardus Roelofs
+44 20 7282 0965
Flow Traders B.V. Simon Wynn-Davies
Christian Oetterich
+31 2079 96777
Goldenberg Hehmeyer LLP Roxane Sanguinetti +44 20 7390 3457
Goldman Sachs ETF trading +44 20 7051 8220
HSBC Steven Palmer +44 20 7991 5066
Intermonte Sim Daniele Sabato
ETF trading
+39 02 7711 5203
Intesa San Paolo (IMI CIB) Enrico Ferrari +39 02 7261 2806
Jane Street Financial Limited Edward Robbs +44 20 3787 3333
JP Morgan Securities plc ETF trading +44 20 7134 0155
Kepler Cheuvreux Charles Hoppmann +33 1 7098 8542
Lang und Schwarz Tradecenter AG & Co. KG Leif Österwind +49 211 1384 0150
Macquarie Bachir Binebine +44 20 3037 4680
Market Securities ETF trading +33 1 7099 5255
Morgan Stanley Ambroise Marigot +44 20 7425 2056
Old Mission Capital ETF trading +44 203-868-2542
Oscar Gruss Avi Avital +972 3519 9027
RBC Capital Markets Matthew Holden
Tomasz Mazur, CFA
+44 20 7029 0546
+44 207 029 0522
Societe Generale CIB ETF trading
Gregory Paje
+33 1 4213 4415
Tradition Financial Services Ltd - UK David Finn +44 20 7198 1621
Tradition Securities and Futures (TSAF) - France Frederic Levi, Martin Berthier
Nicolas Ioannides
+33 1 4074 1619
Unicredit Bank ETF trading +39 02 8862 0731
Vantage Capital Markets LLP Paolo Giulianini
Virtu ITG Europe LTD Simon Barriball
Tim Harman
+44 20 7670 4011

Note: An AP may not have documents in place with all issuance vehicles.

Contact us for further information about Tabula ETFs.