Ongoing charges:
Security value:
Benchmark ticker:

Data: Security Value (SV) and Assets under Management (AuM) as of 2025-02-13

Past performance does not predict future returns. The value of an investment may go down as well as up and you may lose the amount originally invested. Investors should read the Key Risks section of this page, Base Prospectus, Final Terms and Key Information Document (KID) prior to investing.

Sustainability overview

The SMO Physical Gold ETC is backed by Single Mine Origin (SMO) Gold. This is is fully traceable gold produced by mines that comply with rigorous and independently audited standards and provide environmental, social and cultural support to their local community. SMO accreditation is managed by Single Mine Origin Limited (SMO Ltd), an independent company set up to provide a trusted standard for responsibly sourced gold:

Mining companies must meet international standards such as the World Gold Council Responsible Gold Mining Principles and SMO Ltd’s strict governance standards

Individual mines are monitored against a set of ESG metrics and obligations and subject to regular site visits

Refiners must be comply with the LBMA Responsible Gold Guidance and keep SMO Gold segregated throughout the refining process

SMO Gold is segregated and monitored across the supply chain, from the mine to the ETC custodian. SMO Ltd oversees every step of the process and collects all relevant data. Find out more at

Additional Information

For information on the wider Tabula group (including our Sustainable Investment Policy) visit our firm sustainability page.

Key risks

No capital protection: The value of your investment may go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount you invested

Market and price risk: The price of the ETCs will be affected by a number of market including the price of gold, interest rates and exchange rates. Precious metals can be highly volatile and there is a risk of significant fluctuations in the price of the ETCs.

Complexity: The securities are complex, structured products involving a significant degree of risk and may not be suitable or appropriate for all types of investor.

Availability of SMO Gold: There is no guarantee that the Issuer will be able to source SMO-certified gold

Secondary market and liquidity risk: There is no guarantee that there will always be sufficient buyers or sellers to allow investors to sell or buy securities readily, and the price of the securities in the secondary market may not accurately reflect the value of gold.

Counterparty risk: The securities may lose value if any institution providing services to the Issuer fails to meet their obligations

Contact us for further information about Tabula ETFs.